Saturday, December 6, 2008

things i don't give a second thought to...

but then realize later that it probably is a little strange. (but what is "strange" anyways??) I have walked past my girls' bedroom five or six times just today and the fan is going, so I have turned it off each time, but without even thinking, in fact, I have assumed that I have never turned it off since they woke up this morning (but I think this each time and think that I most certainly am losing it!). Until the last time, when I went in and turned it off while they were playing in there, and they LET ME KNOW that they need the fan on. I asked why and Jaeda replied, "Because our babies are sleeping, why ELSE would we have the fan on!??" (a bit sassy, I know)

You see, since the womb (b/c I sleep with a fan in our room as well) they have slept with a fan on in the bedroom for white noise. Our family is all about security, blankies, fingers in mouths, whatever soothes the soul (or babies screaming!). So they would NEVER put their babies down for a nap without a fan on! Oh, the monsters we create. (and I mean monsters in the sweetest way :).