Sunday, September 28, 2008

What is everyone up to?

Brice has become a HUGE football fan, watching ESPN headlines early in the morning and games in the particular the Louisville Cardinals (thanks Mamaw and Pepaw for the hat & tshirt!) and the Oakland Raiders (we did not encourage this, he has just always had a thing for pirates). He is doing incredible with his numbers so keeping score and number recognition is a big part of him watching the games. (And Addie just so happened to already be sitting on the couch :)

The girls have been obssessed with matching...and Addison is already in on it at such a young age! Jaeda gets mad when Addie doesn't have something to match her and Kaitlin. (I don't know why Kaitlin had to stuff a sandwich in her mouth right before the picture)

Brice and Jaeda are now in AWANAS and go to Cubbies on Thursday nights. They LOVE it and are finding it fun and easy to memorize God's Word!

Kaitlin is in gymnastics, and have I mentioned that she is part monkey? This is a fantastic outlet for her and the structure is much-needed for this girl as well! Now if she would just stop climbing on counters at home it would be completely worth it! For more Kaitlin gymnastics, click here

Addie's new favorite thing is sitting in the Bumbo in front of her toy with a big mirror, lights, and music (thank you Aunt Harrison!) She is getting good at pushing all of the big buttons. And her hands go straight to her mouth when she gets excited, which is like, all day long!
It's amazing how in the short while I have not blogged about the family, so much has changed! At such young ages, the kids change and grow so quickly!


Becky Brodbeck said...

Love the pictures of your kiddos...its so fun to have the girls match!

Gil House said...

laura, it's amazing to see how much they have grown. i don't know how you're keeping up with everything. your family continues to be in our prayers! thanks for all the udpates! and i LOVE that brice & jaeda are in awana! i did that growing up, and it was SO good. i hope ezra will have the opportunity to do it when he is old enough, too!!!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I love their little matching pants! They're all getting so big, especially Addison. What a great mom to have your kids in such great stuff, especially awana!

Thomas Clan said...

love the matching girls. our boys are the same, they love to match eachother. so cute. hey we still need to hang out.