Monday, August 6, 2007

I've Added Weight

I am so pleased that it is not to my body, but in my power class at the gym! I have been training at the gym for two months now and tonight I was able to increase my weight...a milestone in my "getting back to pre-pregnancy body" journey. I like that my kids know what to expect every night when Brad gets home from work and Aimee pulls up to pick me up for the gym (They ask me if I am going to the gym-do they know what the gym is or what goes on there??). Thankfully, they no longer smash their faces up against the glass door crying and screaming that they want mommy. I suppose that this too is a milestone for them. I just hope that they have seen or will notice that I am healthier and more a better mood overall...since I have started working out everyday. I hope that it is a habit that they want to adopt as their own in some way...this incentive keeps me motivated.
When I got home from the gym tonight, the girls were down, Brad went to play basketball down in Oceano, and Brice and I made dinner for me (he ate half of it). He LOVES to cook, he could be on Food Network Jr. if there were such a thing.

Kaitlin is borrowing a push toy from a friend and could not love any toy more than this one. She goes so fast! Brice likes to watch and make sure she is doing everything correctly and make sure that all is working correctly. Jaeda on the otherhand likes to steal the toy from Kaitlin and then cries big-time when we asked to give it back to KJ.


Hannah Fields said...

Laura, Grace loved looking at the pics of your kids. I agree working out makes a huge difference. I have just started jogging and I am a happier person for it. Grace is right along there with Jaeda. This morning i think she screamed more than smiled.