Friday, February 15, 2008

A little bit of catch-up

This slideshow is a quick glance at our last month (as I have not been on top of blogging these days). You will have to click on the pictures to read the entire caption as I have explained them fully (sorry I am so wordy!)
Brad resigned from the church last month and started working at the Diablo Canyon power outage in January. He is gone from 4:45am until 7:30 pm six days a week (Thursday is his day off). SO, as you can imagine, this has been quite the adjustment for our family. This job will be over at the end of April, and we will be able to decide what is next at that time (the job will provide plenty of financial cushioning as we prepare for our next step). He will also be able to take off a month when our baby arrives! I am so incredibly thankful for friends and family who have been incredible supportive
and helped me out with the kids, etc, while Brad is working so much.
Let's see, it may be easier to update you in list form:
1. Brice started soccer a few weeks ago
2. Jaeda started ballet about a month ago
3. Kaitlin says, "I want to get down."
4. family devotion time has been really precious lately...Brice has been asking lots of questions about Jesus dying on the cross, singing songs with our little songbook and CD, Jaeda and Kaitlin are pretty charismatic in their worship style :).


Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys as you work towards your next step. You just never know how or where or when God will lead, huh? You have such a beautiful family. Excited for you about a new baby soon too! Take care - Brenda

Abby said...

Glad to hear you're surviving! I got the black ottoman at Target (it's actually more of an espresso color) on sale for $50 or something like that. Did you get my check?
hope you are doing great!