Saturday, February 2, 2008

a new thing.

Well, two new things. Jaeda just started taking ballet and tap classes, and is SUPER excited about it...going to "ballerina classes" is a majority of what she talks about these days. She loves her teacher Miss Julie, and her new little friends in the class. They are SO CUTE! I am also trying out a new editing program for my pictures...


Hannah Fields said...

Oh my goodness that she is so sweet. In answer to your questions. I am due june 2. I am 22 or so weeks. I loose track all the time. As far as being tiny, that cannot be farther from the truth. Notice all of the pictures were from the waist up. :) However I am not worried. I am going to make that baby nurse nurse nurse.:)

joy said...

oh, she is too Cute! i love those thighs and she has the best smile.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! Looking at pictures of your children seriously makes my "mommy clock" tick-tick away!! haha, that might be a problem I should get under control :)

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I love those little chunky legs (I mean chunky in a very good, cute way). :) She's so cute!