Monday, February 18, 2008

a new lesson to learn

I am learning to carefully pick my battles. With Brad working so much these days, I have to. Today was the first day that I have been intentional about this. I have a new rule (inspired by my mother-in-law): If it isn't hurting anyone, let it go (paraphrased). So I put that into practice today, and at the end of the day am noticing that my muscles aren't as tense, my head is not aching, and I smiled more. I prayed before opening my eyes this morning that God would help me with this new practice. So, He gave me a little assignment first thing. I am not a fan, personally, of children throwing the cushions off of the couch, building forts with them, jumping on them, and such. So we have never allowed this in our house. However, what do you think was happening when I walked in the living room this morning? ALL cushions and pillows from both couches were all over the floor, and all of my kids were giggling and having fun. No one was getting hurt (I made groundrules of course that if people get hurt, we don't play this game anymore), and everyone was happy. I allowed it. Actually, I enjoyed it. I liked seeing my kids in disbelief that I was even letting them do it...I think this added to their fun. And you know what? It took 3 seconds to clean up. Thank you God for teaching me, and humbling me.


Hannah Fields said...

I needed to read this post today. I too need to let go a little. I find at the end of my day my muscles are tense and I am about out of patience. Thanks for the advice. ps how in the world do you find time to make your "pretties"? I was trying to find time to sew and have had a hard time. How much sleep do you get at night? just curious.

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I think almost all moms need to hear this - myself definitely included! And, coming from a mom who's home a ton by herself from September to March (basketball season), I'm so sorry you're having to be by yourself a lot right now. It'll be great, though, when you have a long break together when the baby comes.