Monday, April 21, 2008

you ask me how i do it

Some of you have asked how I handle 3 kids, one on the way, with a husband who lives out of town 5 days out of the week? Here are some things that fill up our day...never a dull moment I tell ya.

Some of you have requested some belly shots here they are taken by Bricey (thus the blur on my face in some). And please ignore my dirty feet in others...I am guilty of playing outside barefoot this afternoon.

34 weeks

Kaitlin's favorite hang out spot & Jaeda's baby giving my baby a love

Jaeda can't wait to be a mommy


The Oakes said...

wow laura you look great and you have such a great attitude! thanks for all of the pictures.

Hannah Fields said...

You look very good. Go Baby Go!!! I can't say that I will be posting belly shots. Mine is not quite that cute. Lets just say i like my belly flat. I thought you were going to answer the question of how you handle three and one on the way. maybe sometime when you have more time you can fill my mind with all kinds of wonderful advice. Isn't the baby due very soon?

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Oh my word, you're in my prayers with Brad being gone 5 days a week! You look adorable and wonderful ESPECIALLY to be 9 months preggers with #4!

Abby said...

You're my hero :-) Hope you're doing great!!