Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Oh, The Things We Say

I often laugh as words come out of my mouth, especially when talking to my children. They are so literal, so I speak to them as such. They are things that I absolutely mean, but after saying them, I realize how ridiculous they would sound in the adult world.
Some things that I have said so far today are
1. We don't stand on the kitchen (the play kitchen)
2. You may only swordfight if you are gentle.
3. Please keep the food out of your mouth (playfood)
4. Give Sissy a kiss but remember that she's sickie (to a 2 year old???)
5. Seriously, Brice, how many times do I have to ask you to put your shoes on? His response..."Just five more times! No, just four more!" He really doesn't understand, bless his heart. Or you know, maybe he does. Maybe he needed a few more reminders.
I have really had to start watching what and how I say things, because Brice and Jaeda look up to EVERY WORD that comes out of my mouth, and repeat it to each other! This morning Jaeda looked at Brice during breakfast, and for no apparent reason said, "Don't even think about it, Bricey." And he said back to her, "Just forget about it, Jaeda." I felt like they were having their own little conversation about something of which I had no clue.
And Brice told me that he is tired of 'this whole thing' when I asked him to get his blankie and lunchbox for school. I asked him what that meant, and he said that Mommy says it, so he says it. I was thinking back to when I said I was 'tired of this whole thing' last, but could only recall a conversation with Brad yesterday about dealing with our auto insurance! I haven't said that to the kids, but they certainly listen more than I think they do!!


The Oakes said... other words for it. i need to remember not to read your posts in public places. on a side note we were at the park today and apparently my son was listening to the older girls that were taunting one another because at lunch he was calling me lesbo.

erika said...

that is HILARIOUS. I especially like "we do not stand on the kitchen". funny stuff. thanks for sharing!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

This was hilarious! I get mad at Turner for saying "whatever" when I tell him to do something, but then I catch myself saying it about 20 times a day. He has no idea that he's 3 1/2 - he really thinks and talks like he's a grown up. And, poor Cassie (I read her comment)! How do you explain that one?

Abby said...

That is totally my life (well, I only have one that's talking). It's so funny and completely exhausting!! I don't want to speak another word (or hear one) by the time Phillip gets home from work! My poor Annie needs your kids so badly so someone else can talk to her. I just call people on the phone all day long so she can talk to them :-)

Karen said...

Hi Laura, I was reading one of my friend's blog and came across a link to yours! Great stories. Anyway, I read your entry on herbal teas, nausea, remedies, and wanted to send you a link about the danger of raspberry LEAF tea.
Congrats on Baby #4! That's great.
Karen (Heather's friend and former L&D, OBGYN Nurse.)
p.s. Try small, frequent meals and the Vit B6. It works! I was also very fond of ginger tea, but used to make it with fresh ginger and lots of honey. :)