Friday, October 19, 2007

Buster Ache Remedies

I am officially in the fun of the first trimester...little Buster is making it known that he is growing fingers and toes, and has been sucking the life out of me to achieve his whopping size of a single blueberry. But thankfully, I have found some little remedies that have helped to take the edge off of the nausea. And either I am super lucky, or they are working, but either way, I can say that I have not thrown up yet (WAY more than I can say than my other pregnancies-by this time I was already blacking out or in the hospital, no joke). I have so many prego friends right now that I thought this would be a fun blog...please share your ideas too!!!
One of my best friends Katie gave me an adorable gift basket last night full of fun teas and "remedies" that I think are so helpful.
1. GINGER TEA-Yogi from Trader Joe's is a good brand. This tea is my favorite, as I have been using it for 2 weeks now and found it successful. Now, you have to get over the bite because it is strong, but sipping on it throughout the day definitely makes a difference.
2. Papaya enzyme supplement-these are (I think) yummy chewables that you take after you eat and they ease digestion and I feel like they clear my nauseous head.
3. B6-I am not sure yet because I have only taken one. In my last 3 pregnancies people always recommended them and I wouldn't try them, but I am giving them a try this time.
4. Glaceau Vitamin Water-I really love the lemonade flavor that Katie gave me and I feel happy because I am getting extra nutrients since the prenatal vitamins make me gag!
5. Raspberry Tea-Helps strengthen the uterus, etc...and it tastes great. I crave tart things when I am pregnant, so if you don't it might not be a good idea for you.

OK, hope these help. PLEASE give me any hints that you have...I would love any suggestions!


Abby said...

You know my recommendation... the not so herbal remedy of Zofran :-) Other than that I never found anything that helped. Actually, I felt better after eating lean protein, like grilled chicken.
I hope you start feeling better VERY soon! It's so miserable and seems like it will be forever until you see the end.

joy said...

sorry about the first trimester yuckies. as you know, they won't last forever even though it feels like it sometimes. the only thing i was told was to drink water with lots of fresh lemon squeezed into it. something about it balancing the pH of your's worth a try.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura-This is Katie's mom Patty. I love your blog, its just darling and brightens my days, except for the rat...yuk!!!! The are just not pleasant. Congrats on your pregnancy and hope that soon you will be feeling just great. See you soon, I hope