Monday, October 22, 2007

We Caught The Rat

We have had a few mice in our house in the past year, but they have always been very teeny. So the last couple of days we have heard the scurrying again (in the walls behind the kitchen), so we set up our traps, and charged the rat zapper. This morning, Brad went to check on the zapper, and sure enough the light was blinking so we were thrilled to have caught the mouse, only to find it was actually a huge RAT! It not only took up the length of the box, but it's nasty tail was hanging out the end.
More update...the latest on Kaitlin. I have followed her trail and have figured out one of her routines. She watches at the door to make sure that Jaeda is "really" gone for school, and then she hurries into her room, climbs on sissy's bed and takes down all of her pictures that I have hanging on a clothesline. Then she takes all of Jaeda's babies out of their crib and the stroller and plays with them. These are two things that would not be so easily done without interference if Jaeda was at home. I think that Kaitlin likes taking advantage of the "free reign" that she has over the house for the few hours that her siblings are at preschool.


Hannah Fields said...

i am so sorry that you had a rat. I cannot stand mice. I kinda wish that i were a nature freak and liked things like that so that when i do see them it wouldnt scare me so much. I am glad you got the thing.

katy said...

We had rats in our crawl space. They are pretty gross. I'm glad that you killed yours at least!!

Anonymous said...

She is just the cutest Pumpkin Eater there is!!