Wednesday, October 3, 2007

No Kisses For Kaitlin

There is no picture with this post because the details in themselves are enough to gross you out. I'm warning you that this is really sick.
Yesterday I experienced the most disgusting episode I have yet to experience in my 3 1/2 years of motherhood (knowing there will be many more, but so far, this takes the cake). The girls were down for their nap, Jaeda in her toddler bed and KJ in her crib (they share a room). Jaeda came out of her room (unusual) and I told her to get back in her room. I went outside to read and 10 minutes later, Brad came out and told me that he needed my help. Well, he heard the girls chatting, so he went in their room and found Jaeda standing next to Kaitlin's crib and Kaitlin was holding Jaeda's POOPY diaper, eating poop (smeared on her face, mouth, and hair), and it was rubbed up and down the cribrails. I immediately gave Kaitlin a bath...then another bath. Her breath smelled like poop, so I had to wash her mouth out and give her laffy taffy (???) to get rid of the smell. KJ's bedding was covered in poop so I had to wash it all, while Jaeda's was fine. Brad asked Jaeda why she gave KJ a dirty diaper and all that she said, and repeated was, "Because, Daddy."
Feel free to throw up now.
And remember that I warned you.


Hannah Fields said...

Oh my word. Bless her heart. Seriously. Laffy taffy, that is hysterical.

Darby said...

Ok, that is so sick. You should have posted the picture from your last post with that one! Ha ha! That would have been hilarious... that chocolate icing smeared all over her face could certainly pass for POOP! Did you call the dr to see if it was ok that she ate poop? I'm still wondering why she ate it? Maybe she thought it was chocolate cake! Ok, I think I'll go throw up now!

erika said...

You owe me a new computer - I just BARFED all over mine and now it's ruined. The Laffy Taffy mixed with poop breath takes the cake. I would have tried Listerine or Scope... which would also act as an antibacterial - ahhhh. And the time just buzzed for my pizza in the oven. Hope I don't PUKE on it. :)

joy said...

okay, laura, i can only laugh because it wasn't my kids (at least not yet)--oh my goodness. just think that in the midst of the disgustingness, what a very special, precious memory that is. well, that's the positive spin anyway!

Abby said...

My sister did that when she was a baby and my grandmother told my mom to clean her mouth out with lemon juice.?.? So... if it ever happens again you could give that a try :-) Hopefully it won't be an issue again (in your life or mine)

The Oakes said...

laffy taffy is a cure for anything in my book!

Anonymous said...

Ok.......I think you may be taking Blogging a little too far with this story :) Just kidding, I still think its pretty funny!!!!

Joelle said...

Thank you for the invitation to throw up... I took advantage of the opportunity immediately. That is seriously the grossest/funniest thing ever. I am going to start reading these more often.

