Monday, October 8, 2007

Date Night...Not Late Night

I usually blog about the kids, or Brad and I as parents, kid stories, preschool and poop stuff, but tonight I wanted to take the time to post Brad and my highlight of the week event. We go out every Monday night for our date night by ourselves or with friends, and look forward to this night until the next Monday rolls around! It has been so important for us to do this, because without time away from all of the things that we love and wrap ourselves in daily, we are unable to focus on those things functionally. Brad's mom or our friend Aimee watches the kids (thanks guys!) Monday nights give us time to be "dating" for those few hours, where we are the only thing that we have to focus on. Tonight two of our best friends Kate and James joined us for Sushi (our favorite!) and we had a lot of great laughs and a great meal. I always get really tired around ummm.....8:30, and I ate way too much tonight, so we called it a night around that time. I am so thankful for friends, other adults, special time with Brad, and coming home to bathed, fed, and sleeping children (well, almost, Jaeda wasn't, but she usually is.)


Abby said...

I must admit I'm pretty jealous of your once a week date night! I'm also sad that we're so far away that we never get to share date night with you!
Hope you're all doing well. Give your kids big hugs from me. I miss you all (especially your Jaeda!)

Anonymous said...

Its so nice you and Brad take time out of your busy week to spend time together,I hope at some point Scott and I can do the same!!

Darby said...

You should wear green everday of your life... you look BEAUTIFUL!